This new version uses the new Animal Controller... which means is not longer compatible with versions lower than HAP v3.1.8.
To install version 4.0+ requieres removing the Malbers Animations Folder. to avoid script conflicts. If you have any other asset of mine, please update to the latest version.
I highly recommend installing the new version since
old ones will no longer be supported.
Here it is your ultimate Riding System!
Horse AnimSet Pro(HAP) is an animation framework and Riding System controller, root-motion based, for any humanoid character. This Asset started like a simple horse model and animation pack, but it has evolved in a strong and flexible Riding Controller. Includes a basic character controller from the standard assets, but is meant to be used with a more advanced Character Controller created by you or be use with any of the amazing character controller from the store (TCP or FPC).
This package is continuously growing with more features and animations on each update!
- 80 Animations Clips
- 2 Horse Styles (Realistic, Poly Art,)
- Several Textures sets for each horse Style
- LODs
- Armour, Reins and Saddle
- Unity Cloth Simulation for the Reins and Mane Not Usable for Unity 2019
- Sounds
- Basic Step System (Track Sound and Tracks particles)
- Animal Controller for managing all Malbers Animations creatures
- States: Swim, Fall, Jump, Attack, Death, Walk, Trot, Canter, Gallop, Sprint
- Directional Damage System
- Strafing
- Camera Base Input
- Terrain Alignment
- Supports NavMesh Agents. Basic AI
- Mobile Friendly
- 132 Animation Clips (Meant to be used with Humanoid Rigs for better compatibility)
- Cowboy Model with 1 Texture Set
- Rider System (TCP & FPC)
- Rider Combat System: Bow, Pistol, Melee (soon: Spear, Rifle, Magic Staff, Throwables)
- Very very veeeery Basic Inventory system to demonstrate the compatibility of the Rider -Combat System with external inventories.
- Material Changer
- Blend Shapes Manager
- Mesh Changer
- Animator Message Behaviour
- Animator Sound Behaviour
- Head Aiming
- Weapons (Models, Textures and Scripts)
- Animal Basic AI
- Basic Camera Rig System with camera states.
- Compatible with All Malbers Animals
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