For game developers and visualization specialists, VR is the next amazing frontier to conquer
-- and Unreal Engine 4 is the perfect platform to conquer it with. Authorized and reviewed by Epic Games, Unreal Engine VR Cookbook: Developing Virtual Reality with UE is your comprehensive guide to building stunning experiences on any Unreal 4-compatible VR hardware.
-- and Unreal Engine 4 is the perfect platform to conquer it with. Authorized and reviewed by Epic Games, Unreal Engine VR Cookbook: Developing Virtual Reality with UE is your comprehensive guide to building stunning experiences on any Unreal 4-compatible VR hardware.
World-renowned VR developer and instructor Mitch McCaffrey offers tested "recipes" for performing each common VR task and overcoming many complex development challenges. McCaffrey's recipes contain step-by-step instructions, while also empowering you with concise explanations of the underlying theory and math. You'll get immediate results, as you gain as much knowledge of the "big picture" as you desire.
McCaffrey covers everything from development terminology to best practices, and offers specific guidance for using Unreal Engine 4 VR with Oculus Rift, Vive, GearVR, AndroidVR, Steam, and other environments. He discusses both seated and standing VR, trace interactions, teleportation, UMG and 3D menus, inverse kinematics, motion control, comfort mode, VR optimization, and more. He also presents a full VR rollercoaster project, including expert techniques for avoiding motion sickness. If you want to master VR on Unreal Engine 4, this is the book you need.
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